
Assortativity is a measure of preference of nodes to attach to other nodes similar to themselves. In many cases, researchers are interested in degree assortaivity, which measures the correlation between the degrees of connected vertices. However, assortativity can also be calculated for other node attributes [11].

Reticula provides a set of functions to calculate assortativity in directed and undirected networks, either in terms of degree or other numerical node attributes.


The methods in this section rely on calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient between pairs of value sequences. If all connected vertices have equal degree or attribute, or if the network has fewer than two pairs of interacting vertices, the result of calculating assortativity will be NaN.

Degree assortativity

Undirected networks

degree_assortativity(undirected_network) float
template<undirected_static_network_edge EdgeT>
double degree_assortativity(const network<EdgeT> &net)

Calculates degree assortativity for undirected dyadic and hypergraph static networks. Assortativity is calculated through Pearson correlation coefficient over degrees of all pairs of interacting vertices.

>>> import reticula as ret
>>> gen = ret.mersenne_twister(42)
>>> net = ret.random_gnp_graph[ret.int64](n=128, p=0.05, random_state=gen)
>>> ret.degree_assortativity(net)

Directed networks

in_in_degree_assortativity(directed_network) float
in_out_degree_assortativity(directed_network) float
out_in_degree_assortativity(directed_network) float
out_out_degree_assortativity(directed_network) float
template<directed_static_network_edge EdgeT>
double in_in_degree_assortativity(const network<EdgeT> &net)
template<directed_static_network_edge EdgeT>
double in_out_degree_assortativity(const network<EdgeT> &net)
template<directed_static_network_edge EdgeT>
double out_in_degree_assortativity(const network<EdgeT> &net)
template<directed_static_network_edge EdgeT>
double out_out_degree_assortativity(const network<EdgeT> &net)

Calculates in-/out-degree assortativity for directed dyadic and hypergraph static networks. Assortativity is calculated through Pearson correlation coefficient over degrees of all pairs of interacting vertices.

>>> import reticula as ret
>>> gen = ret.mersenne_twister(42)
>>> net = ret.random_directed_gnp_graph[ret.int64](
...             n=128, p=0.05, random_state=gen)
>>> ret.in_in_degree_assortativity(net)
>>> ret.in_out_degree_assortativity(net)

Numerical attribute assortativity

Undirected networks

attribute_assortativity(undirected_network, attribute_fun: Callable[[network.edge_type()], float]) float
template<undirected_static_network_edge EdgeT, std::invocable<const typename EdgeT::VertexType&> AttrFun>
requires std::convertible_to<std::invoke_result_t<AttrFun, const typename EdgeT::VertexType&>, double>
double attribute_assortativity(const network<EdgeT> &net, AttrFun &&attribute_fun)

Calculates assortativity of the given numerical function for undirected dyadic and hypergraph static networks. Assortativity is calculated through Pearson correlation coefficient over the value of the given function over all pairs of interacting vertices.

>>> import reticula as ret
>>> import math
>>> gen = ret.mersenne_twister(42)
>>> net = ret.random_gnp_graph[ret.int64](
...       n=128, p=0.05, random_state=gen)
>>> ret.attribute_assortativity(net,
...       lambda v: math.log(, v)))
attribute_assortativity(undirected_network, attribute_map: dict[network.vertex_type(), float], default_value: float) float
template<network_edge EdgeT, mapping<VertT, double> MapT>
double attribute_assortativity(const network<EdgeT> &net, const MapT &attribute_map, double default_value)

Calculates assortativity of the given mapping of vertices to floating-point (dictionary) for undirected dyadic and hypergraph static networks. Assortativity is calculated through Pearson correlation coefficient over the value of the given mapping over all pairs of interacting vertices. If a vertex is not present in the mapping, the value of the argument default_value is used.

>>> import reticula as ret
>>> gen = ret.mersenne_twister(42)
>>> net = ret.random_gnp_graph[ret.int64](
...       n=128, p=0.05, random_state=gen)
>>> attribute_map = {
...       v: math.log(, v))
...       for v in net.vertices()}
>>> ret.attribute_assortativity(net, attribute_map, default_value=0.0)

Directed networks

attribute_assortativity(directed_network, mutator_attribute_fun: Callable[[network.vertex_type()], float], mutated_attribute_fun: Callable[[network.vertex_type()], float]) float
template<undirected_static_network_edge EdgeT, std::invocable<const typename EdgeT::VertexType&> AttrFun1, std::invocable<const typename EdgeT::VertexType&> AttrFun2>
requires std::convertible_to<std::invoke_result_t<AttrFun1, const typename EdgeT::VertexType&>, double> && std::convertible_to<std::invoke_result_t<AttrFun2, const typename EdgeT::VertexType&>, double>
double attribute_assortativity(const network<EdgeT> &net, AttrFun1 &&mutator_attribute_fun, AttrFun2 &&mutated_attribute_fun)

Calculates assortativity of the given numerical functions for directed dyadic and hypergraph static networks. Assortativity is calculated through Pearson correlation coefficient over the value of the given function over all pairs of interacting vertices. The associated value of the mutator (tail of the arrow representation of a directed link) is calculated from the function mutator_attribute_fun, and the mutated vertex (head of the arrow) from mutated_attribute_fun.

>>> import reticula as ret
>>> import math
>>> gen = ret.mersenne_twister(42)
>>> net = ret.random_directed_gnp_graph[ret.int64](
...       n=128, p=0.05, random_state=gen)
>>> ret.attribute_assortativity(net,
...       lambda tail: math.log(ret.in_degree(net, tail) + 1),
...       lambda head: math.log(ret.out_degree(net, head) + 1))
attribute_assortativity(directed_network, mutator_attribute_map: dict[network.edge_type(), float], mutated_attribute_map: dict[network.edge_type(), float], mutator_default_value: float, mutated_default_value: float) float
template<network_edge EdgeT, mapping<EdgeT, double> MapT1, mapping<EdgeT, double> MapT2>
double attribute_assortativity(const network<EdgeT> &net, const MapT1 &mutator_attribute_map, const MapT2 &mutated_attribute_map, double mutator_default_value, double mutated_default_value)

Calculates assortativity of the given pair of mappings of vertices to floating-point (dictionaries) for directed dyadic and hypergraph static networks. Assortativity is calculated through Pearson correlation coefficient over the value of the given pair of mappings over all pairs of interacting vertices. If a vertex is not present in one of the mappings, the value of the argument mutator_default_value or mutated_attribute_fun is used. The associated value of the mutator (tail of the arrow representation of a directed link) is calculated from the function mutator_attribute_fun, and the mutated vertex (head of the arrow) from mutated_attribute_fun.

>>> import reticula as ret
>>> gen = ret.mersenne_twister(42)
>>> net = ret.random_directed_gnp_graph[ret.int64](
...       n=128, p=0.05, random_state=gen)
>>> mutator_map = {
...       tail: math.log(ret.in_degree(net, tail) + 1)
...       for tail in net.vertices()}
>>> mutated_map = {
...       head: math.log(ret.out_degree(net, head) + 1)
...       for head in net.vertices()}
>>> ret.attribute_assortativity(net, mutator_map, mutated_map,
...       mutator_default_value=0.0, mutated_default_value=0.0)