
Python binding#

Pre-compiled binding “Wheel”s are available for x64 Windows, x64 or ARM MacOS 10.15 or newer and x64 Linux systems with glibc version 2.17 or above. You can install the most recent stable release from the PyPi index using pip:

$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ python -m pip install --upgrade reticula

The first command makes sure your pip installation is up-to-date, the second command installs the most recent version of Reticula from the repository.

The binding currently supports Python versions 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11.

If you need to install the library on a system with no pre-compiled Wheels, you can also build and install the binding from scrach. Chack out the Development section for more information.

The C++ library#

You can include the C++ library in your code using CMake FetchContent module. To do this, you need to specify how to fetch Reticula in your CMakeLists.txt file:




You can use a git tag or branch name or the hash of a specific commit. We recommand that you use the most recent release branch v#.# for a new project.

You can then link to the reticula target:

add_executable(my_program main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_program PRIVATE reticula)


Building the Python binding from scratch#

In order to build the Python binding on a development machine, you need to make sure Python development headers are installed and accessible, a modern version of GCC ( >= 10.2) is installed and accessible and that you have access to approximatly infinite RAM (> 40GB) and time.

$ git clone
$ cd reticula-python
$ mkdir dist
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ python -m pip wheel . -w dist/
$ python -m auditwheel dist/*.whl
$ python -m pip install wheelhouse/*.whl

If you actively developing the Python binding (perhaps to send a pull request? Thank you very much!) you might want to avoid re-building everything from scratch every single time. In this scenario, I recommand disabling build isolation and cleaning steps of pip wheel by using this command instead:

$ python -m pip wheel . -w dist/ --verbose --no-build-isolation --no-clean

This needs you to manually have the required python packages installed. You can find a list of these packages and acceptable version in the pyproject.toml file under the [build-system] table.

You might also need to re-install the created wheel without bumping the version every time. Consider adding the flag --force-reinstall to the pip install command.

Building C++ library tests#

To build the tests for the C++ library, make sure you have CMake version 3.14 or newer installed on your system. All you need to do then, is to clone the library, make a build directory and build the tests:

$ git clone
$ cd reticula
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build . --target reticula_tests -j 10

This creates an executable titled reticula_tests, which you can execute to run the runtime tests, including address, memory leak and undefined behaviour sanitizer by default.

$ ./reticula_tests

After you made some modifications to the code, to re-compile the tests just re-run the build command.

$ cmake --build . --target reticula_tests -j 10
$ ./reticula_tests