Spreading and reachability in temporal networks

In this example, we construct a random link-activation temporal network, then compare various reachability statistics for different types of temporal adjacency.

Let’s say you want to study the spreading of a disease or some other effect on a temporal network. There are many different models, ranging from very simple to very intricate and specialised, that might be relavant for this use.

Making the network

Let’s start first by creating a random temporal network. In this case we generate a random temporal network where the nodes have an underlying random \(k\)-regular structure, using random_regular_graph(), with each link gets activated with an exponential inter-event time distribution. In other words, in our “friendship” network, each “person” is friends with exactly \(k\) other randomly selected people, and the time between consecutive meeting of each two friends are drawn from an exponential distribution with a given mean, i.e. meetings are a Poisson process.

import reticula as ret

max_t = 64
size = 128
k = 4
mean_iet = 1.0

gen = ret.mersenne_twister()
g = ret.random_regular_graph[ret.int64](size=size, degree=k, random_state=gen)

iet = ret.exponential_distribution[ret.double](lmbda=1/mean_iet)
residual_iet = iet

temporal_net = ret.random_link_activation_temporal_network(

The function random_link_activation_temporal_network() takes a static base network base_net, a maximum simulated time max_t, an inter-event time distribution iet_dist, a residual time distribution res_dist and a pseudo-random number generator to generate a random link-activation network from \(t = 0\) to \(t = t_\text{max}\).

The residual time distribution generates the distribution of time to the next event, starting at a random time, i.e. if you arrive at a bus stop at a random time, how long do you have to wait for a bus to arrive if busses arrive at intervals drawn from the inter-event time. For the case of Poisson process, this happens to be the same distribution as the waiting times.

Our temporal network is now an undirected temporal network with 128 vertices and around 16 thousand events.

>>> temporal_net
<undirected_temporal_network[int64, double] with 128 verts and 16157 edges>

Simple spreading process

Next, we calculate the charactristic quantities of the most simple spreading process model. In this model, once an effects, e.g., a disease or information, reaches a node, that node will forever remain “infectious”, spreading that effect to anyone else they come in contact with. This is more or less equivalent to the Susceptible–Infected (SI) model of epidemic spreading.

In temporal network words, many of these different types of spreading processes can be understood in terms of temporal adjacency. Imagine two events \(e_1\) and \(e_2\). If the first one carries a disease, what are the conditions for the second one to carry the disease as well as a consequence of the first event transmitting the disease? For the simple case of simple adjacency on undirected networks, the only condition for the adjacency of these two events is that they share at lease one vertex in common, and that \(e_2\) happens after \(e_1\). This gets more and more involved for, e.g., directed temporal networks or temporal networks where events take some time from start to finish, but here we only care about the simple definition.

Single-source simulation

Let’s now see what would be the result of a spreading process originating from a specific node at a certain time, using this simple adjacency rules. This can be accomplished using out_cluster():

adj = ret.temporal_adjacency.simple[temporal_net.edge_type()]()
cluster = ret.out_cluster(
    vertex=0, time=0.0)

The cluster object, an instance of temporal_cluster, now contains information about the entire spreading cluster starting from vertex 0 at time 0.0, including who got infected when. We can see for example that every node got infected at one point or another:

>>> cluster.volume()

We can also see all the intervals when a certain vertex (for example node 5) has been infected:

>>> int_set = cluster.interval_sets()[5]
>>> int_set
<interval_set[double] from t=2.7580437394574595 to t=inf>
>>> list(int_set)
[(2.7580437394574595, inf)]

Also, it is possible to see how many events (and exactly which ones) participated in the spreading process and whether a specific vertex at a specific time.

>>> len(cluster)
>>> list(cluster)
[undirected_temporal_edge[int64, double](69, 84, time=59.1906391191876), undirected_temporal_edge[int64, double](20, 126, time=16.842526559964774), undirected_temporal_edge[int64, double](16, 107, time=4.880354855014931), ....]
>>> cluster.covers(12, 1)

This is telling us that node 5 first got infected at time \(t = 2.7\) and remained infected forever.

Multi-source simulation

out_cluster() provides a powerful tool, but sometimes, you need to know the range of possible outcomes from different starting points. Of course one approach is to use out_cluster() multiple times with different starting vertices and times. This, however, is not necessarily the most efficient approach, as it requires looping over every event in the temporal network for each call of the function.

We can calculate the out-cluster from all possible starting points with a single backwards scan of the network, using the method presented in Badie-Modiri et al. [17], using the out_clusters() method (note the plural “clusters”).

clusters = ret.out_clusters(
    temporal_network=temporal_net, temporal_adjacency=adj)

The variable clusters now contains a list tuples of all events on the temporal network, paired with the cluster of spreading that would result if a spreading process starts right before the time of that event.

This on its own, however, requires sacrificing a lot of memory. Even for a small temporal network like this, you might need around to 7.7GB of RAM and it takes around 20 seconds to run on a modern CPU core. This is due to the fact that at every stage of the algorithm we have to keep exact track of membership of every node in every cluster. Turns out, however that in many cases we don’t actually need this information in the final results, as we mostly only care about the various statistics of a cluster such as number of unique nodes, total lifetime of the spreading process or total “human-hours” of infection.

In cases like this, we can use out_cluster_sizes(), which throws out the actual cluster memberships when they become irrelevant to the algorithm, only keeping the afformentioned charactristic quantities, namely mass, volume and lifetime for each possible source.

clusters = ret.out_clusters(
    temporal_network=temporal_net, temporal_adjacency=adj)

This already drops the peak memory requirement by a factor of 50! The resulting charactristic quantities are exact, but there is not much detail left in each cluster, which are instances of temporal_cluster_size. You are still able to get exact value for mass, volume and lifetime and check exactly how many events participated in each spreading cluster, but you can’t get a list of those events.

Multi-source estimation

The out_cluster_sizes() method still keeps exact track of every event involved in every spreading process, even if it throws out that list as soon as it can in the course of the traversal of the temporal network.

We can get results much faster and a whole lot lighter (in terms of memory use) if instead of keeping accurate track every event involved in each spreading cluster, we use probabilistic counting methods to keep track of these charactristic quantities.

out_cluster_size_estimates() method does exactly that. It uses the full force of the approach described in Badie-Modiri et al. [17] to get estimated values for mass, volume and number of events participating in each spreading cluster.

clusters = ret.out_cluster_size_estimates(
    temporal_network=temporal_net, temporal_adjacency=adj,
    time_resolution=0.1, seed=0)

This results in a runtime of ~0.8 seconds, and memory usage low enough that becomes hard to measure in this scale (< 10MB). The downside is that mass, volume and number of events are now only accurate to ±1.1% of their exact value.

The volume and event count work by directly employing a HyperLogLog++ probabilistic cardinality estimator[18]. The mass is calculated by dividing the timeline of each node to steps of size time_resolution, then counting unique combinations of vertex name and time step that is in the spreading cluster using the probabilistic cardinality estimator. The lifetime of the cluster is still measured exactly.

The seed parameter controls the seed used for hashing in the HyperLogLog++ cardinality estimators. By running the function multiple times with different seeds and averaging the results, you can obtain accuracies higher than the default ±1.1%.

These sacrifices are made so that each cluster “sketch” stays within a constant memory footprint, as opposed to normal cluster objects that grow over time.

Other types of spreading processes

So far we only used the most simple adjacency type, corresponding to a simple Susceptible–Infected (SI) process, but this might not be the most suitable model real-world phenomena. Specifically, processes where the effect only lingers in each node for a finite amount of time. In this section we will talk about other, slightly more realistic models of reachability and spreading processes.

Limited waiting time

For example, let’s say you are interested in reachability in a public transportation network. You can model each bus stop and train station as vertices in a temporal network, and each bus or train trip between consecutive stations as a link. In this scenario, the set of all vertices and times that can be reached from a starting vertex and time for the out-cluster of that starting point and time. To put it in other words, if vertex \(v\) at time \(t\) is in the out-cluster of \(v_0\) at \(t_0\), then there is at least one valid time-respecting path between the two.

It is, however, not very likely that a traveller would stay in a station waiting for a bus or a train to arrive for an indefinite amount of time. Let’s say we limit valid time-repsecting paths to those with a miximum waiting time of \(\delta t\).

This limited waiting-time reachability can be expressed in terms of temporal adjacency of two events. The two events \(e_1\) and \(e_2\) are adjacent with a maximum waiting time \(\delta t\) if they are adjacent (i.e., if \(e_2\) starts after the end of \(e_1\) and they share at least one vertex in common) and the start time of \(e_2\) is at most \(\delta t\) away from the end of \(e_1\).

lwt_adj = ret.temporal_adjacency.limited_waiting_time[temporal_net.edge_type()](dt=3.0)
cluster = ret.out_cluster(
    vertex=0, time=0.0)

This creates an adjacency object with a maximum waiting time of 3.0 units of time. You can use the other cluster functions the same way as before, simply by using the new adjacency object as a parameter.

Of course, the public transportation example from above differs from the previous examples, in that the underlying temporal network is both directed and delayed, meaning that a trip between two stations only move people in one direction and that it takes some time to move from one stop to the next and the execution of the event is not instantainious. A better temporal network type for representing transport networks is directed_delayed_temporal_network, where each event has two distinct timestamps instead of one:

e = ret.directed_delayed_temporal_edge[ret.int64, ret.double](
   tail=1, head=2, cause_time=2.0, effect_time=3.0)

The example above shows a directed_delayed_temporal_edge going from node 1 to node 2, where the “departure time” is 2.0 and the “arrival time” is 3.0.

Exponential/geometric waiting time

In other real-world phenomena, the idea of a limit for waiting time for valid time-respecting paths makes sense, but perhaps not a constanc cutoff described by a single value. For example, let’s say you are modelling infromation spreading, e.g., sprading of gossip, where each person hearing a gossip has a constant probability of forgetting it at every unit of time. This means that the maximum waiting times are drawn from an exponential distribution.

mean_cutoff_time = 2.0
exp_adj = ret.temporal_adjacency.exponential[temporal_net.edge_type()](
    rate=1/mean_cutoff_time, seed=42)
cluster = ret.out_cluster(
    vertex=0, time=0.0)

The seed parameter here controls the generation of waiting times. This will create a single realisation of the spreading process. To get a more accurate range of possible outcomes, re-run this functions with different seed values.

Note that the exponential adjacency only works for networks with continues time (i.e., double time type). For discrete time types ( int64) you need to use the geometric adjacency temporal_adjacency.geometric which has the maximum waiting times drawn from the geometric distribution.

Infectious and non-infectious events

Simply assuming every event will cause a transmission event might not be very realistic. Spreading processes on temporal networks sometimes assume an infection probability \(p\), similar to the role of infectious rate \(\beta\) in SIS processes, that determines wheter a particular event can carry a disease or not. In Reticula, we can do this by creating a new temporal network where each event is occupied (kept) independently with probability \(p\):

p = 0.8
new_net = ret.uniformly_occupy_edges(temporal_net, occupation_prob=p, random_state=gen)

We can then run the same processes on the new_net instead of the old one.

Limited waiting time processes and SIS models

With a little bit of work, you can see how SI processes with an infection probability 1.0 on temporal network are isomorphic to reachability. While the relationshio between SI model and simple adjacency is easy to understand, the relationship between exponential waiting time adjacency and SIS processes are more nuanced. In exponential limited waiting-time adjacency, similar to the the usual formulation of the SIS process, each node stays infected and contagious for a length of time drawn from an exponential distribution with a given mean. The difference arrises when thinking of how “re-infections” affect this process. This is however, a topic very involved topic, perhaps enough for a research paper or maybe several.