Random expected degree-sequence network#

Undirected expected degree-sequence network#

random_expected_degree_sequence_graph[vert_type](weight_sequence: List[float], random_state, self_loops: bool = False) undirected_network[vert_type]#
template<integer_network_vertex VertT, std::ranges::input_range Range, std::uniform_random_bit_generator Gen>
requires weight_range<Range>
undirected_network<VertT> random_expected_degree_sequence_graph(Range &&weight_sequence, Gen &generator, bool self_loops = false)#

Generates a graph with the given weight-sequence, more specifically known as “Chung-Lu graphs” [5]. As the network size increases, as determined by the length of the parameter weight_sequence, the degree sequence of generated network approaches on average to the set of numbers in the parameter weight_sequence. The existence of each two edges are independent of each other. The implementation is based on Ref. [6].

The parameter weight_sequence is expected to be a list of numericals, e.g., std::vector<double> in C++ and List[float] in python. The parameter self_loops controls the existance of self loops in the resulting network and defults to false.

Directed expected degree-sequence network#

random_directed_expected_degree_sequence_graph[vert_type](in_out_weight_sequence: List[Tuple[float, float]], random_state, self_loops: bool = False) undirected_network[vert_type]#
template<integer_network_vertex VertT, std::ranges::input_range PairRange, std::uniform_random_bit_generator Gen>
requires weight_pair_range<PairRange>
undirected_network<VertT> random_directed_expected_degree_sequence_graph(PairRange &&in_out_weight_sequence, Gen &generator, bool self_loops = false)#

Similar to the random expected degree-sequence network, this function generates a directed graph with the given weight-sequence which for large graphs produce the given weight-sequence as its in- and out-degree sequence. The implementation is likewise based of the Chung–Lu algorithm [5, 6], extended to directed graphs.

The parameter in_out_weight_sequence is expected to be a list of pairs of numericals, e.g., std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> in C++ and List[Tuple[float, float]] in python, with each element of the list/vector representing expected in- and out-degree of one vertex.

The parameter self_loops controls the existance of self loops in the resulting network and defults to false.

Undirected expected degree-sequence hypergraph#

random_expected_degree_sequence_hypergraph[vert_type](vertex_weight_sequence: List[float], edge_weight_sequence: List[float], random_state) undirected_hypernetwork[vert_type]#
template<integer_network_vertex VertT, std::ranges::input_range VertRange, std::ranges::input_range EdgeRange, std::uniform_random_bit_generator Gen>
requires weight_range<VertRange> && weight_range<EdgeRange>
undirected_hypernetwork<VertT> random_expected_degree_sequence_hypergraph(VertRange &&vertex_weight_sequence, EdgeRange &&edge_weight_sequence, Gen &generator)#

Generates a random undirected hypergraph with given weight-sequence for vertex and edge degrees. The degree of a vertex referes to the number of edges incident to that vertex, whereas the degree of an edge referes to the number of incident vertices. The algorithm is based on the “Chung-Lu” method [5], extended to hypergraphs by generating a random bipartite incidence network [7]. For larger networks, the vertex degree sequence and the edge degree sequence on expectation apprach the weight sequences vertex_weight_sequence and edge_weight_sequence.


The algorithm used for this method can produce multi-edges, i.e., edges with the exact same set of incident vertices. As the library currently does not support multi-edges, only one of each set of multi-edge is represented in the output. This should only be a concern for small networks combined with many edges with low edge degrees.

Directed expected degree-sequence hypergraph#

random_directed_expected_degree_sequence_hypergraph[vert_type](vertex_in_out_weight_sequence: List[Tuple[float, float]], edge_in_out_weight_sequence: List[Tuple[float, float]], random_state) directed_hypernetwork[vert_type]#
template<integer_network_vertex VertT, std::ranges::input_range VertPairRange, std::ranges::input_range EdgePairRange, std::uniform_random_bit_generator Gen>
requires weight_pair_range<VertPairRange> && weight_pair_range<EdgePairRange>
directed_hypernetwork<VertT> random_expected_degree_sequence_hypergraph(VertPairRange &&vertex_in_out_weight_sequence, EdgePairRange &&edge_in_out_weight_sequence, Gen &generator)#

Generates a random directed hypergraph with given in- and out-weight-sequence for vertex and edge degrees. The in-/out-degree of a vertex referes to the number of edges in-/out-incident to that vertex, whereas the in-/out-degree of an edge referes to the number of in-/out-incident vertices. The algorithm is based on the “Chung-Lu” method [5], extended to directed hypergraphs by generating a random directed bipartite incidence network [7]. For larger networks, the vertex degree sequence and the edge degree sequence on expectation apprach the in-/out-weight sequences vertex_in_out_weight_sequence and edge_in_out_weight_sequence.

The parameters vertex_in_out_weight_sequence and edge_in_out_weight_sequence are expected to be a list of pairs of numericals, e.g., std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> in C++ and List[Tuple[float, float]] in python, with each element of the list/vector representing expected in- and out-degree of one vertex/edge.


The algorithm used for this method can produce multi-edges, i.e., edges with the exact same set of incident vertices. As the library currently does not support multi-edges, only one of each set of multi-edge is represented in the output. This should only be a concern for small networks combined with many edges with low edge degrees.