
Simulating physical systems with computers often involve generating random numbers or randomly sampling from a set. This poses a challenge to programmers, in that computers, as mostly deterministic creatures, are quite bad at this sort of task.

Another aspect of this problem is reproducibility. Researchers need their results to be reproducible, meaning that if someone else runs the same code on another computer, they should be able to get the same results as everyone else. True random number generators are not really the tool for this purpose.

Pseudorandom number generators, on the other hand, can produce results “random enough” for the purpose of scientific simulation. On C++ side, you can simply use any pseudorandom number generator as long as it conforms to the concept std::uniform_random_bit_generator, for example, Mersenne Twister implementation from the standard library std::mt19937_64 or PCG random number generator.

On Python side, everything is slightly more involved. You cannot simply use the random number generators implemented by Python or NumPy, as Reticula cannot manipulate Python objects in any way that matters. Similar situation is also in place for distributions. We have provided bindings to some pseudorandom number generators and distributions for use with this library, some bindings over C++ standard library implementation (e.g., geomtric_distribution and exponential_distirbution) and some based on our own implementation.


Reticula currently relies on C++ standard library distributions and pseudorandom number generators, execept for a few distributions that are implemented by Reticula. This has negative implecations for reproducability across platforms. At some point in the future, these will have to change into ones with reproducability guarantees tied to Reticula version and not the platform or the standard library implementation. Until this change happens, we will try our best keep the Python build environment consistant, but there are no guarantees.

For now, the only real thing you can do with these classes are to create them and pass them on to Reticula functions, as Reticula is not a general purpose numerical computation library.

Pseudorandom number generators#

class mersenne_twister([seed: int])#

Creates an instance of 64-bit Mersenne twister [1]. Bindings over C++ standard library implementation.

We recommand using one pseudorandom number generator per thread in multi-threaded environment.

If no seed is provided, the generator is seeded using a non-deterministic source, e.g., a hardware device, if one is available.


class geometric_distribution[integral_type](p: float)#

A discrete distribution of the number of required Bernoulli trials with probability p to get one success. This distribution has a mean of \(\frac{1}{p}\). It’s the discrete analogue to exponential_distribution[floating_point_type]

class exponential_distribution[floating_point_type](lambda: float)#

A continuous distribution indicating the time between two consecutive events if that event happens at a constant rate, i.e., a Poisson point process. The parameter lambda indicates the rate and the distribution has a mean of \(\frac{1}{\lambda}\).

class power_law_with_specified_mean[floating_point_type](exponent: float, mean: float)#

A power-law distribution with minimum-value cutoff, selected in a way to produce values with mean mean. The parameter exponent, indicating the power-law exponent has to be larger than 2.

class residual_power_law_with_specified_mean[floating_point_type](exponent: float, mean: float)#

Residual distribution of the distribution power_law_with_specified_mean[floating_point_type].

class hawkes_univariate_exponential[floating_point_type](mu: float, alpha: float, theta: float, phi: float = 0.0)#

A univariate exponential formulation of Hawkes self-exciting process. The parameter mu indicates background (or exogenous) intensity of events, indicating the random probability of events happening without being caused through self-excitement, parameter alpha indicates the infectivity factor, often interpreted as the expected number of induced self-exciting events per each event, theta indicates the rate parameter of the delay and phi specifies the history of the distribution until this point in time.

class uniform_real_distribution[floating_point_type](a: float, b: float)#

Returns floating point value selected uniformly at random from the range \([a, b)\).

class uniform_int_distribution[integral_type](a: int, b: int)#

Returns an integer value selected uniformly at random from the range \([a, b]\).

class delta_distribution[numeric_type](mean: int | float)#

Always returns the value of mean.