Square grid graphs

square_grid_graph[vert_type](side: int, dims: int, periodic: bool = False) undirected_network[vert_type]
template<integer_network_vertex VertT>
undirected_network<VertT> square_grid_graph(VertT side, std::size_t dims, bool periodic = false)

Generates a dims-dimensional square grid lattice with side vertices to each side, creating a network of \(side^{dims}\) vertices. The parameter periodic controls the boundary conditions of the lattice.

>>> import reticula as ret
>>> ret.square_grid_graph[ret.int64](side=4, dims=2)
<undirected_network[int64] with 16 verts and 24 edges>

>>> ret.square_grid_graph[ret.int64](side=4, dims=2, periodic=True)
<undirected_network[int64] with 16 verts and 32 edges>