Graph operations#

Edge induced subgraphs#

edge_induced_subgraph(net, edges)#
template<network_edge EdgeT, std::ranges::input_range Range>
requires std::same_as<std::ranges::range_value_t<Range>, EdgeT>
network<EdgeT> edge_induced_subgraph(const network<EdgeT> &net, Range &&edges)#

Returns a copy of a subset of the network net consisting only of edges edges and all their incident vertices.

Vertex induced subgraphs#

vertex_induced_subgraph(net, verts)#
template<network_edge EdgeT, std::ranges::input_range Range>
requires std::same_as<std::ranges::range_value_t<Range>, EdgeT::VetexType>
network<EdgeT> vertex_induced_subgraph(const network<EdgeT> &net, Range &&verts)#

Returns a copy of a subset of the network net consisting only of vertices verts and any edges with all incident vertices in verts.

Adding and removings edges#

with_edges(network, edges)#
template<network_edge EdgeT, std::ranges::input_range EdgeRange>
requires std::same_as<std::ranges::range_value_t<EdgeRange>, EdgeT>
network<EdgeT> with_edges(const network<EdgeT> &net, EdgeRange &&edges)#

Returns a copy of net with edges from edges along with all their incident vertices added in.

without_edges(network, edges)#
template<network_edge EdgeT, std::ranges::input_range EdgeRange>
requires std::same_as<std::ranges::range_value_t<EdgeRange>, EdgeT>
network<EdgeT> without_edges(const network<EdgeT> &net, EdgeRange &&edges)#

Returns a copy of net with edges from edges removed. The returned graph has all the vertices of the original graph.

occupy_edges(network, prob_func: Callable[[network.edge_type()], float], random_state)#
template<network_edge EdgeT, std::invocable<const EdgeT&> ProbFun, std::uniform_random_bit_generator Gen>
requires std::convertible_to<std::invoke_result_t<ProbFun, const EdgeT&>, double>
network<EdgeT> occupy_edges(const network<EdgeT> &g, ProbFun &&occupation_prob, Gen &gen)#

Return a copy of the network with the same set of vertices, but with each edge kept with probability determined by calling the function prob_func, or occupation_prob in C++.

occupy_edges(network, prob_map: dict[network.edge_type(), float], random_state, default_prob: float = 0.0)
template<network_edge EdgeT, mapping<EdgeT, double> ProbMapT, std::uniform_random_bit_generator Gen>
network<EdgeT> occupy_edges(const network<EdgeT> &g, const ProbMapT &prob_map, Gen &gen, double default_prob = 0.0)#

Return a copy of the network with the same set of vertices, but with each edge kept with probability determined by looking up the edge in the dictionary prob_map. If the edge is not in the map, the value default_prob is determines the probability of the edge being present in the output network.

uniformly_occupy_edges(network, occupation_prob: float, random_state)#
template<network_edge EdgeT, std::uniform_random_bit_generator Gen>
network<EdgeT> uniformly_occupy_edges(const network<EdgeT> &g, double occupation_prob, Gen &gen)#

Return a copy of the network with the same set of vertices, but with each edge kept with probability determined by the parameter occupation_prob.

Adding and removing vertices#

with_vertices(network, verts)#
template<network_edge EdgeT, std::ranges::input_range VertRange>
requires std::same_as<std::ranges::range_value_t<VertRange>, EdgeT::VetexType>
network<EdgeT> with_vertices(const network<EdgeT> &net, VertRange &&verts)#

Returns a copy of net with vertices from verts added in.

without_vertices(network, verts)#
template<network_edge EdgeT, std::ranges::input_range VertRange>
requires std::same_as<std::ranges::range_value_t<VertRange>, EdgeT::VetexType>
network<EdgeT> without_vertices(const network<EdgeT> &net, VertRange &&verts)#

Returns a copy of net with vertices from verts, along with all their incident edges removed.

occupy_vertices(network, prob_func: Callable[[network.vertex_type()], float], random_state)#
template<network_edge EdgeT, std::invocable<const typename EdgeT::VertexType&> ProbFun, std::uniform_random_bit_generator Gen>
requires std::convertible_to<std::invoke_result_t<ProbFun, const typename EdgeT::VertexType&>, double>
network<EdgeT> occupy_vertices(const network<EdgeT> &g, ProbFun &&occupation_prob, Gen &gen)#

Return a copy of the network with each vertex (and all its incident edges) kept with probability determined by calling the function prob_func, or occupation_prob in C++, with that vertex.

occupy_vertices(network, prob_map: dict[network.vertex_type(), float], random_state, default_prob: float = 0.0)
template<network_edge EdgeT, mapping<typename EdgeT::VertexType, double> ProbMapT, std::uniform_random_bit_generator Gen>
network<EdgeT> occupy_vertices(const network<EdgeT> &g, const ProbMapT &prob_map, Gen &gen, double default_prob = 0.0)#

Return a copy of the network with each vertex kept with probability determined by looking up the vertex in the dictionary prob_map. If the vertex is not in the map, the value default_prob is determines the probability of the vertex being present in the output network.

uniformly_occupy_vertices(network, occupation_prob: float, random_state)#
template<network_edge EdgeT, std::uniform_random_bit_generator Gen>
network<EdgeT> uniformly_occupy_vertices(const network<EdgeT> &g, double occupation_prob, Gen &gen)#

Return a copy of the network with each vertex kept with probability determined by the parameter occupation_prob.

Graph Union#

graph_union(g1, g2)#
template<network_edge EdgeT>
network<EdgeT> graph_union(const network<EdgeT> &g1, const network<EdgeT> &g2)#

Calculates the graph union of two networks g1 and g2: a new network containing the union of their sets of vertices and edges.

Cartesian Product#

cartesian_product(g1: undirected_network[vertex_type1], g2: undirected_network[vertex_type2]) undirected_network[pair[vertex_type1, vertex_type2]]#
template<network_vertex VertT1, network_vertex VertT2>
undirected_network<std::pair<VertT1, VertT2>> cartesian_product(const undirected_network<VertT1> &g1, const undirected_network<VertT2> &g2)#

Calculates graph cartesian product of two undirected networks g1 and g1.


While in C++ there are no limits on the types of vertices of the network (as long as they satisfy network_vertex) the Python binding only supports certain vertex types. This function is not implemented for cases that would produce output vertices too complex to be predefined, i.e., when vertex_type1 or vertex_type2 are not a simple numerical or string type. In these cases you might want to relabel the vertices of the networks before calling this function.

Relabling vertices#


Experimental API. We are still trying to find the right balance with these functions. The function name, parameters and available variations will probably change in the future versions.